Category Archives: love and integrity

The antidote is inner awakening

You can never give enough attention to a narcissist or enough energy to the energy vampire. They are a bottomless pit of entitlement.

You can never make peace with the person in cognitive dissonance. They are at war with truth and reality. They are at war with their self. Their inner nature is hostility.

You can never appease the person who irrationally hates you. The more you debase yourself for their resentment, the more you try to make it up to them the more they take it as a sign of weakness and invitation to hate you. The one who has rested their shadow projection upon you is comfortable. They don’t want to let go of that abusive relationship because then they’d have to deal with their own shadow. Feel their own misery.

There’s so much selfishness of ego and dysfunction in the collective consciousness these days. Sleepers in the dream acting out the toxicity without a second thought about it. Making division, making chaos, betraying each other, betraying their own souls and better selves all for the machine of ego. Asleep in the dream.

There is one antidote to all of this and it’s self respect. Self respect to awaken. Self respect to face reality nakedly, to face truth. To face the pains, the wounds, the weaknesses. To face the shadow and the uncomfortable reflections no one wants to face. The truth of the self. The errors of the ego. All the uncomfortable inner revelations. The ego isn’t a child to coddle and protect.

The news will tell you all day how you’re wrong along political lines and how you’re guilty for being human whether be religious decree or modern climate/scientism decree.

This feeds the ego’s desire for self importance though. Whether hating the other “side” of the political fence or self flagellating because you’re a carbon based life form. It all keeps the ego energized and galvanized, even self hatred keeps the gears churning and ego feeling important.

No one on tv who wants your attention and allegiance is going to tell you to do any introspection and self reflecting. That which might actually make you feel self aware… or simply awaken your sentience and feeling at all. They want to rub and appease your ego, even if yours exists in a state of self hatred.

We’re born into a world of dysfunction. The ego is a machine asleep by default. We can assert with crudest observation there are forces that don’t want us to wake up from that toxic spell and un-fuck ourselves.

So the only antidote is self respect, to wake up within, to let go of the ego. We cling to ego and the lowest self or let go and take on the pangs of self honest growth… the real tough kind from the inside out. “BUT I CAN’T DO THAT” it is said, or “Some people don’t have the energy for that stop picking on them!”… yes don’t encourage anyone to awaken but coddle their sleeping egos and shadow sides.

We’re always coddling our own egos and each other’s egos and rejection of reality as if our egos are helpless children. You’re more likely to find someone who tells you to get tough and get over yourself when you break your leg and can’t walk. It’s not common that we encourage ourselves or each other to get over our egos. We humans turn into vicious monsters yet babies at the same time when our egos are challenged. The ego is held higher than the physical body and even survival in some people. The distortions of the narcissistic mind are more important. “Break a leg? In grueling physical pain and can’t walk? Toughen up buddy! But don’t you dare make me or anyone feel self conscious about myself!”

There’s no real reason anyone can’t wake up. The reasons against it are all fear and ego. Clinging to the protection of the most superficial of ego self at the cost of the actual self is insanity. The well being of the body, the well being of the heart and mind, the soul and light of consciousness itself should take precednence. Knowing truth from falsity even if it proves the ego wrong, should take precedence.

Spiritualism might have turned the process of letting go of ego and getting in touch with the true self and reality itself a lofty process but it’s actually quite basic. It’s actually a necessity of survival. Like all necessities that our greatest ancestors went through and learned, it’s been turned into something mythical and greater than it is. It’s not greater than it is, but it is mythical. It’s one’s own hero’s journey, to awaken. What a journey it is to realize ourselves and connect with others on the way. To experience true togetherness and unity. Realizing we’re all One in this journey, taking our individual steps and paths.

Anyone can wake up and give their self the antidote because life is full of pains and struggles. Anyone can use those shocks wisely, to awaken. Our own bodies are speaking to us every day, let alone the universe or a higher power, giving us cues and messages. Hints and glimpses. Whether we tune in and listen, try to learn and grow, or tune out and shut off because we want the ego and noise wall of the tv to take over the spot where conscience and higher awareness should be = is up to us.

A more vibrant well being and sentience, clear minded sanity, wholeness of mind-body-soul is all each our own for the discovering and creating. We can also each avoid all the signals and messages even our own bodies send us each day, see how that goes.

The human being is not the lowest self, not the highest self, somewhere in the realm of choice.

From Eve to Sophia

Levels of anima development

Carl Jung believed anima development has four distinct levels, which in “The psychology of the transference” he named Eve, Helen, Mary and Sophia. In broad terms, the entire process of anima development in a man is about the male subject opening up to emotionality, and in that way a broader spirituality, by creating a new conscious paradigm that includes intuitive processes, creativity and imagination, and psychic sensitivity towards himself and others where it might not have existed previously.


The first is Eve, named after the Genesis account of Adam and Eve. It deals with the emergence of a man’s object of desire. The anima is completely tied up with woman as provider of nourishment, security and love. The man at this anima level cannot function well without a woman, and is more likely to be controlled by her. He is often impotent or has no sexual desire.


The second is Helen, an allusion to Helen of Troy in Greek mythology. In this phase, women are viewed as capable of worldly success and of being self-reliant, intelligent and insightful, even if not altogether virtuous. This second phase is meant to show a strong schism in external talents (cultivated business and conventional skills) with lacking internal qualities (inability for virtue, lacking faith or imagination).


The third phase is Mary, named after the Christian theological understanding of the Virgin Mary (Jesus’ mother). At this level, women can now seem to possess virtue by the perceiving man (even if in an esoteric and dogmatic way), in as much as certain activities deemed consciously unvirtuous cannot be applied to her.


The fourth and final phase of anima development is Sophia, named after the Greek word for wisdom. Complete integration has now occurred, which allows women to be seen and related to as particular individuals who possess both positive and negative qualities. The most important aspect of this final level is that, as the personification “Wisdom” suggests, the anima is now developed enough that no single object can fully and permanently contain the images to which it is related.


My Thoughts

For the women, what do you entice in men and what do you hope to bring out in them?

Is it the seduction of Eve, the hopeless and naive downfall of the man locked in obsession?

Is it the basic respect that a man feels for the Helen archetype and her ability to move through and excel in the professional career world?

Is it the softer affinity that a man feels for the Mary or matriarchal archetype, which embodies what most people think of as the highest expression of the feminine? There’s a stark difference between the Mary and Helen archetypes. The Mary can be the professional in the career world but has also embraced her softer/more emotional feminine side.

Is it Sophia, the Goddess, emotional depth and wisdom itself?

Are these questions offensive? Is it offensive that I’m posing questions that ask women what they are to men rather than just ask women where they think they are in their own anima development?

Before you reply with offense, keep in mind how much POWER women have over men. Women have great influence, sway, seduction, and subtle leadership over men. I know I’m generalizing yet it is generally true.

Wars have been started over women. Women have vast power in this world from at a material level being able to choose what genes get carried on. To the more subtle/psychological/emotional level of influence over men with their presence.

So when I pose a question like “Women, what are you inspiring and bringing out of men?” it’s not to say that you’re objects for men. It’s to say men are often the objects easily influenced and seduced by women.

I support and encourage the “Sophia” woman, or the woman who has the potential to become a Goddess in her own right. I have always marveled at that and supported that self actualization in women. I admire the full range of humanity in a woman, which includes the light and dark side. That women are as human, perfect and flawed, as I am.

To the men out there, where are you at your level of emotional development? How do you see women? How do you perceive your ideal woman?

Is she the alluring yet simple and quaint, seductive yet naively destructive Eve? Is she a mindless sex thing? Just something to use and abuse? To solely treat like an object without a mind of its own? A helpless damsel who can’t think for herself and needs you to rescue and do everything for her?

Is she more intellectually competent like the Helen? Do you see the intellect in her? Is she an equal at school or at work?

Is she the matriarchal Mary or even more evolved, the Goddess herself? Full and multi dimensional. Do you see the higher reflection of your own anima in her?

and of course no man’s or woman’s anima development is strictly any archetype, it’s a mixture of all at different levels, generally speaking one’s focus is going to be stronger at one of those levels though

Which is to say a man’s feminine side isn’t constrained to a singular thing. He sees the animating presence of the anima in all things. In all of nature. Everything is beautiful (and sometimes dark) and of the Goddess to him. The world is the Goddess and so he is richly in love.

He doesn’t need Eve to be in love, as much as Eve would want him to believe that ALL his love should be directed to her and anything less is a show of infidelity to the insecure Eve. When he finds his Eve she becomes part of his emotional tapestry and the love he has for life itself.

In this way a man can actually help a woman emotionally develop. IF she trusts him and realizes that life isn’t an unrealistic fairy tale of Adam and Eve where lovers obsessively focus on each other and there’s nothing else.

A woman can go far with an emotionally evolved man if she trusts that even though he falls in love with the sky… and he feels ecstasy in the breeze… he feels passion for life itself… he still loves her in a way most special and exalted. She holds a special place in his heart.

As much as a man can fall in love with life itself and not need to obsess about partnership… There is still a special place in his heart that is only for his Eve/Helen/Mary/Sophia. For his “mate”.

That man is going to seek a queen, a goddess, who can enjoy the depth and richness of life as much as he can. His emotions can run deep and they are tempered with wisdom because that’s what Sophia teaches men. That along with the incredible range of emotion that can be felt, there is the need for temperance and wisdom.

Of course the woman needs to know that the man’s love is utmost true. Sometimes she wants to break down to her inner child or her Eve because working day to day as the intellectually tasked Helen, or maybe she has a family and is the motherly Mary taking care of that, or Sophia and yet the weight of the world gets to be too much… There are times she needs to break down and be vulnerable and loved like she IS the only thing in the world to her man. As selfish as that sounds, sometimes she needs that. It’s not a man’s job to judge it but to just be there and provide for that need.

When I say encouraging the Goddess in women is good, I’m not against emotional vulnerability and need. As if vulnerability and need are lower states of emotional evolution?! That’s “Helen” thinking! That’s Helen reacting against the naivety/unknowing/vulnerability that are associated with Eve. So the Helen often closes off to her emotions because it’s a reaction against falling to the Eve in herself. WE HAVE ALL BEEN THE HELEN REACTING AGAINST OUR EVE! Anytime we’ve done something foolishly hurtful or been hurt because we were naive, often our reaction is to close off and run from our feelings.

I’m saying as a man, with women, if you want to meet their Sophia you have to show them that they can trust you, you have to show it by your behavior and actions. There’s an interesting truth about lower/higher archetypes. It is that the lower and higher selves are intimately close. Eve is closer to Sophia than Helen is to Sophia.

The fractal nature of reality is so true this truth is in our brain waves! By your level of zoom you’ll see higher and lower frequencies embedded in each other. If you really want to blow your mind, everything is seen from subjective standing anyways! There is no absolute state of higher evolution or devolution. We can zoom infinitely. So what matters most is not an absolute state of evolution but our direction and orientation. This is why you don’t judge others for where they are in their evolution. This is why no one is “better” than others. We can all find a solidarity in seeking and encouraging the greatness in the ourselves and each other.

Has anyone ever cried on your shoulders, man or woman, then sprung up like the Spring afterward? Their mind is more awake, breath deeper, and them calmer? You gave their inner child or Eve a hug, and then they were ready to leap back into their more “adult” self. That’s the magical power of embodying the mature side of the emotional spectrum. It’s being able to not only handle our own emotions but embrace others and show them that Sophia level of wisdom and understanding. There is so much magic in just being able to “be there” for someone and hug them or just listen to them. It can be the means in which to refresh and reset them, the comfort and release they need.

As much as emotional maturity allows a person to practice emotional empowerment it can be inversely dangerous not to develop it. The lack of development can lead us to destructive people and situations.

It behests us men, and women, to grow emotionally so that we gain the knowledge to not fall to self defeating patterns and so that we can heal our wounds and be whole in ourselves. It’s not useful to beat ourselves up for having been naive and wounded regardless of how naive we were. It is our responsibilities to seek our own healing and self actualization.

It behests a man to see more in women than just the Eve archetype. That they have minds (Helen) and there is softness to them (Mary), and individuated personalities (Sophia). That they aren’t perfect, they have light and dark sides, perfections and flaws… This again is Sophia.

Eve is being naive to the dark side and flaws, only seeing the candy exterior we want to see. Sophia is maturely seeing and accepting that people have light and dark sides. Romantic idealization is fine if at the same time we also soberly realize that even the idealized lover is human.

Real love is when we love them (man or woman) more for it. For their humanity, for their flaws. We love them from a deep, mature, unconditional, accepting place.

That’s when we get the Sophia energy working in our relationships. The “Goddess” shines upon those kinds of relationships.

That’s a full and rich light we should want to be in. As men we should strive to be in it, to evolve ourselves emotionally so that we can meet that Sophia, that Goddess. Which opens up a whole new world when it comes to how we see and relate to women.

Polarities and sides

This says it better than words.

I think reflecting on this is important.

I’m posting some words so you can read or just look. Sometimes it’s better to just look at a symbol and gain your own insight. Sometimes it helps jump start your mind to get someone else’s perspective.

This is a powerful image in my perspective.

I’ve always believed that anything that expresses from a negative/controlling/destructive/limiting/reductive place is on the same “side” as anything that does the same even if they seem opposed. A negative polarity can have many “sides” which seem opposed yet serve the same energy.

If we consider everything in our universe is curved, everything is cyclical, this helps visualize how warring “sides” are the same in the end.

The circle is a perfect shape. It doesn’t have sides although it has lines/directions and it can have opposing polarities. No matter how straight we think our path is we’re always going to curve in one direction or the other.

The problems in our world are not going to be solved at the level they were created or by going along with the currents like fish in water.

Everything takes place within the framework of universal laws. I can’t stress how important it is to be aware of this. We must rise up in awareness and see outside the paradigms given by the media, politicians, and what we reinforce among each other. Those paradigms of control never help us on the ground level. They reinforce the negative polarity and those at the top in a negatively orientated world.

It takes effort to step out of the negative patterns.

No one said it was easy.

It’s important to understand the difference between duality and polarity.

We can be polarized in dualistic thinking or we can strive to polarize ourselves with knowledge, with consciousness and understanding, with conscious love and acceptance.

“We can be” or “we can”. One way is passive, it happens “to” us. One way is proactive, as we have to embody the self aware and willful intent to traverse the path. This is a choice, if anyone is forcing us in a certain direction it is not the positive, creative, loving, embracing, expansive path. The path of love and light is absolutely a willful choice. It is a serious choice that we can only make for ourselves.

Ferrets and The Flow

Hey humano, quero que você veja meus filhotes.😎

Posted by Ferrets no Brasil on Saturday, June 10, 2017

The ferret mistakes his fingers for her kits?

The ferret wants to show the kits off?

The ferret needs a babysitter?

The obvious answer is mistaken identity or that the hand is being used as a warm babysitter (ferrets steal socks, why not hands too).

Having had ferrets, I think she’s showing the kits/nest off. It’s not uncommon for pets with babies to seek out human attention. The idea that “It takes a village to raise a child” is not exclusive to human babies.

We’re basically parental figures to our pets since they depend on us to survive, and they really do seek our approval. Yes the animal has its own maternal instincts, it is totally capable of caring for its young. Yet you as a higher being bring in another factor into its reality. A bridge between the “above” and “below”. The bonding and approval we show to our pets does have an impact on them. For us it would be the same as a “higher” being interacting with us.

When people ask if a higher power exists, etc… All you need to do is look at how you’re treating your children and animals. Anyone “lower” than you on the scale of consciousness (not lower in a hierarchically controlling way). What kind of channel for higher love/guidance are you for anyone who looks up to YOU?

How we treat those “below” us is like a gateway we open for how we ask to be treated.

Happy Love Day

True Love & Toxic Love: 14 Core Differences

In honor of the day and love that uplifts, heals, and frees the heart.

I was going to write something romantic, but there’s plenty of romantic sentiment elsewhere today.

Awareness is supreme and to be able to really let go and play in a relationship we need awareness. We need understanding and trust.

We often learn the hard way how important those things are though, even if we already know what they are.

Those with hearts often serve as prey to toxic people and behaviors. Always taking it on like we have to for some reason. Rationalizing the mistreatment in some way out of misplaced empathy and wishful thinking.

The ideal love we think we have is shattered by slights and abuses that we don’t even recognize until it’s too late. Maybe we try to hold on to the person who is hurtful and situation that devalues us.

You can’t love a parasite in your body away nor can you love a toxic person, a narcissist, to change. It just feeds and enables them.

So fuck them.

I don’t believe in moral ambiguity when it’s about how human beings should treat each other. This is the simplest and least ambiguous thing there is.

Some people would say that these aren’t positive wishy washy words for the holiday, and I’d say that’s exactly what a toxic person would say. If we see no evil and speak no evil we can’t see their behavior and point them out.

So protect thyself with awareness.

Love can still (always) be experienced. From a different perspective, maybe a weary if not wiser perspective, it can be had though.

The bad experiences take us into the dark, they block us off from real love and try to isolate us. Love is always there though, it doesn’t go anywhere. We can always find it again. It’s found deep within if you can survive your own scars, pain, and sadness.

People who haven’t really been hurt tend to recycle the same old rhetoric that you’ll find love again and it will make everything right. That puts the focus outside the self though, it continues the problem that lead to the hurt first place. It makes it someone else’s responsibility.

And what of the time in between meeting someone else and being alone? Who’s to say that you do meet someone else? Not trying to be a downer as there is a great possibility we will meet someone else yet there’s no guarantees. So you have to get to know yourself, make a friend with yourself. Know your heart and body.

There are no guarantees but we can increase our chances of encountering love again by getting to know ourselves. Healing ourselves. Knowing what we love and what we’re about, tends to attract the same. That’s when we’re most magical, that’s when we meet love when we least expect it but it’s not even the universe’s power that delivers the new experiences. It’s our own. It’s how much we know and love ourselves, and draw others to us who are compatible with our self love.

I think, and this is my experience, what makes everything alright is knowledge. It’s processing what happened and coming out more aware and stronger from it.

Fuck the toxic and abusive people. I don’t mean that spitefully. I mean, they don’t deserve thought or energy. If they’ve hurt us they’ve already taken enough from us.

What is normally a virtue and strength in a healthy relationship, a toxic person will exploit as a weakness and use against us. Especially empathy and the desire for things to be better than they really are.

Empathy and openness make a healthy relationship incredibly strong, but in a toxic relationship they are exploited and leave you feeling exploited and bad about yourself.

A healthy relationship should build us up though. It should honor and exalt our hearts and humanity, not exploit them. The first relationship we have is with ourselves.

There is often little we can do to control how others treat us if they don’t care to care how they treat us. We have all the control in how we treat ourselves and that relationship though.

I could write volumes about the toxic and hurtful experiences I’ve been through, and how I’ve been used at times of vulnerability and naivety. The answer is the same though no matter who we are and what we’ve been through. The only thing that makes it right is the healing we do within. The knowledge and awareness we give to ourselves.

It puts us in a position to love and be loved as a whole not a half. Two wholes make a stronger relationship, like interlocking rings. How do they interlock if they are whole? That’s the magic of real love. Its bonds are powerful and yet it is completely freeing and uplifting.

Political Correctness, Spiritual Uncorrectness

It’s everywhere, but I’m not a right side winger, they have ego children issues too. I don’t prescribe to the dualistic ideology traps meant to arrest the masses in endless self destruction. You shouldn’t either. Just because the world writes you a prescription for something doesn’t mean you have to take it.

Political correctness condescends and patronizes. Let’s celebrate diversity by pretending it doesn’t exist, and lets celebrate differences by attacking those who think differently than us? Political correctness is the leftist extreme to the rightist extreme of stereotypical racism and sexism. Bigotry is bigotry. It’s the same thing in a new socially acceptable package. Can you smell the hypocrisy?

It doesn’t speak to the adult in people. It speaks to the egotistic child. It’s like feeding a child candy and video games their entire childhood and never setting any structure. The child may hate the rules but the adult in them understands. The adult in them appreciates being seen as capable of the responsibility.

Bringing out and sensitizing the egotistic child in people is not going to make a world of understanding and acceptance of the diversity of life. It festers conflict because the egotistic child within us operates in duality and thrives in conflict, not higher thought.

So then the person who is right and superior becomes the one who can cut down the other side of the argument better. The one who is more smarmy. The one who is more brutal. The one who can “bring it” and shame the other side best, regardless of one’s own authenticity and argument.

Then you get a hypocritical hydra puddle of people attacking people because they feel they’re persecuted and in the right. Everyone is a victim, which they believe gives them the right to strike out against everyone else.

I think if you’re smart and have self respect you’ll tune out any “leader”, any media figure, any influence who aims to sensitize the ego child in you and polarize you AGAINST someone or something.

Such is the game of senseless conflict, wasted energy, and darkness. In the end only the darkness wins.

Our only power over the darkness is consciousness and compassion.

but if people want to tear themselves up and be willing sacrifices to the darkness… I’d say send me a postcard, but not much escapes a black hole.

Merry Christmas, or so

Some Christmas metaphysical know-how.

This is an energetically powerful time of year and much energy is stirred up during it (when that energy would rather be resting).

What might be worse than Christmas starting months early is it ending abruptly after Christmas day.

Everything is built up for months in a Christmas way then it stops. Everything goes back to drab winter, and people go back to being miserable.

It’s like running a marathon and stopping on the finish line without walking it out. It’s like making love all night and walking out with a blank face immediately after the climax.

It’s jilted and unnatural. It’s also not natural to stir up such energy in people during the darkest time of year. There is less sunlight, less energy in people, it’s not a good time to expend ourselves. The energy drain and hangover can be a bitch. There’s a reason many people get sick this time of year and it’s not because it’s cold outside. It’s because the holiday hubbub drains them and messes with their energy systems like a yo yo.

If you engage in Christmas festivities it’s better to ride them out and taper them off. It’s better for the body and energy system to let things trail off naturally, according to their own rhythms.

So find a quiet spot, light a candle, have a mug of eggnog or tea… and let yourself relax into the winter spirit. The spirit of winter lasts all winter long. It’s a low key energy, unlike the spring, and best appreciated in quiet moments.

It’s easy for all of this to be obscured by “It’s Christmas! Run around! Stop!”

The soul is analog, not digital. Think about it. Then feel it out, in yourself.

Merry week or two after Christmas.

A Call of Manhood

May this be a courageous year.

Men once had courage. They had courage before greed and possessiveness, before obsessing on acquiring the most stuff and owning vaginas before they even know their own bodies. Before they became agents of a dark machine who sell their will for an attempt to control others, ready to fuck each other over for a piece of ass or a share of the green pie.

Before all that they had courage. Before all that, nobility wasn’t a celebrity in a tuxedo. It was an inner cultivated quality and men pushed themselves to the edge to cultivate it. For a chance to know integrity and nobility.

A man would be wise to not be swayed by the machine, to not let other men set the tone for what true stature is, to not let vamps seduce him to think that stature has to do with external things.

A man sets his own tone. A man seeks to stand strong in nature, in the universe, in of himself, this is a test.

If you’re a man I hope that you find it again. I hope you get as fired up for your independent thought and sovereignty as you do for alcohol, pussy, and big screen tvs. I hope to see you on the front lines of consciousness, braving the frontier of our soul evolutions and protecting all which truly matters in our hearts, as men are supposed to do.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

May your ego be full of a little less hubris and your attitude a little less cynicism

If we’re corrosive to ourselves and others it doesn’t matter how much love and happiness we receive. It gets drained.

So I wish you sobriety. May you learn to look at life without bias so your ego doesn’t constantly drain you.

If all you want is happiness and simplicity I hope that truth never finds you. I hope you manage to hide from the light in uncomfortable darkness. Though maybe you have some form of superficial light to cling to like money, outer beauty, material possessions, social status, etc. So if all you want is to be simple and happy, may your desire for substance and true light never surpass the shallow measures in your life.

Do not expect me to join you, do not expect me to respond when you get mad when I walk away. I return jagged insults back to sender. If you have shadow to process then may you realize what caused it, and eat your own, instead of making it someone else’s burden. None of us can afford those who wield hurt but turn into drama majors when the mirror is turned on them. There are people with mental illness who behave that way but the majority of the population has no such excuse.

If you’re hurtful toward others may you find the humility to see yourself and see past your ego to consider other people. May you realize it’s not all about you,

May this be the year you realize that if you play with negating words/actions toward others you’re playing with darkness and waive your right to play a victim. There is no right side when the sides are owned by darkness.

May this be the year we all see through the facade of our own false “innocence” aka naivety, the hubris that corrodes our true essence.

If you want to be more than a creature in a cage, may you wake up to how brutally and beautifully complex and incredible life is.

At the end of the day we don’t matter as superficial identities that mostly aren’t even defined by us but by society and what we think we need to be. I don’t wish you trite happiness if it means going to sleep in the machine. I wish that you find courage to face the light of consciousness and your mirror.

Happy New Year. Many blessings. May you find humility and your best possible path that makes you shine and contributes to the universe at large. Be a universal citizen and be your own authority on your integrity. Neither gods, nor karma, nor anyone else is going to keep you in check.